2024 ECFC Club Partners

2024 Men's Primary Partner

"Tempel's Mission: The trusted global leader providing highly-technical electrical steel solutions to power a sustainable future. 
Tempel is a leading manufacturer of high-precision magnetic steel laminations for the motors, transformers, and generators used in the automotive, industrial and energy markets, and beyond. Worthington Steel (NYSE: WS) is a leading metals processor that partners with customers to deliver highly technical and customized solutions. Worthington Steel’s expertise in carbon flat-rolled steel processing, electrical steel laminations, and tailor welding solutions are driving steel toward a more sustainable future. Learn more here.  Worthington Steel separated from Worthington Industries in December 2023 to become a standalone company."


2024 Women's Primary Partner

"At CINQ, our mission is to redefine the rental experience by providing top-tier home maintenance. Through our expertise, we cultivate worry-free environments that cater to both property owners and tenants, ensuring comfortable and hassle-free living while maintaining the management spec."

Visit Their Website Here: https://cinqsvc.com/

2024 Legal Partner

"The immigration process can be filled with fears and concerns. An experienced and empathetic attorney will help guide you through the steps so that you can achieve your goal of living, working, and or/being with family and loved ones in the U.S.
McEntee Law Group exclusively handles immigration cases. We are immigrant-founded and run, and are happy to have a diverse team with personal experiences relating to immigration.
Although we are based in Chicago, we handle cases internationally and can provide service to you wherever you may be, including all 50 states."

2024 Sleeve Partner

"Brick is everywhere - especially in Chicago.

It's everywhere, but it's never the same. It's so full of detail, pattern, color, and nuance. It's laid very intentionally, it wears down in varied and beautiful ways. There are so many different kinds of brick, so many colors of brick, and so many ways of building with brick. 

I decided to document the brick as a way to pay more attention to the world around me and encourage others to do the same. And it's been like learning a whole new language and suddenly discovering great texts hidden in the buildings around me.

Everything built (physical things like buildings or non-physical things like systems or societies) is designed and has impact, good or bad. It’s easy to walk by something like a brick building and pay it no mind. But the world is so much more interesting when you ask the question “what is that and why is it the way it is?”

Book a tour today! https://www.brickofchicago.com/tours


2024 Beverage Partner

"ERIS was inspired by the Greek goddess known for causing mayhem. As the story goes, Eris threw the golden apple of discord into a party that she wasn’t invited to, creating chaos as everyone scrambled for its beauty.

As cider makers in a city of over 100 breweries and women in a male-dominated industry, we know what it’s like not to be invited to the party. That’s why we focus on inclusivity, approachability, and accessibility in everything we do.

We started ERIS as our way of throwing a golden apple into the Chicago scene.

Visit the Brewpub today! https://www.erischicago.com/brewpub


2024 Training Kit Partner

"When you choose tile, you make a decision you will live with for a long time. The decision can be daunting. You know what appeals to you today, but what will appeal to you tomorrow? At Lowitz & Company, we strive to interpret timeless designs in a personal way. The patterns on our tiles appear in countless variations in art and architecture – from prehistoric stone carvings and classical friezes to modern abstract sculpture. They are timeless designs that resonate in our minds. We hope you will find our tiles to be engagingly new and yet deeply familiar."


2024 Apparel Partner

Play Philly — Icarus FC


"With Icarus, custom doesn't mean just adding your club colors and crest to a templated design.

Instead, a dedicated member of our acclaimed graphic design team will work with you to create totally unique kits and apparel that reflect your team's identity.

All design work is included in the listed pricing and we'll keep your designs on file forever -- DESIGN NOW"

Facility Partners

Edgewater Castle Football Club's Facility Partners give us space to do what we do. We are immensely fortunate to have such wonderful partners that are willing to work with us to develop lasting partnerships around branding support, youth training and neighborhood events in exchange for year-round field usage.                   

Chicago Park District   Mettle Sports       Intentional Sports Fire Pitch 


If you are interested in joining ECFC as a partner in 2024, please let us know

2023 Community Ownership Group 

The Edgewater Castle FC Community Ownership Group represents the central support platform of our club's structure. This group of passionate folks has kept our players and staff supplied with resources, consultation and encouragement through every step of our progress so far. We wouldn't exist without them and we are grateful for their guidance, mentorship, and passion for what we're trying to accomplish. 

Barbara Swanson, Carrie Coon, Casey Barrett, Darlene Swanson, Jon Cohen, Kenneth Swanson, Sarah Anderson, Shannon Haines, Usman Ally, Carol Cohen, Ted Lowitz, Stefanie Hare, James Manno, Matthew Luzadder, Pablo Alguindigue, Andy Hayes, Matt Gallagher, Gerald Bekkerman, Oscar Aguilar, Gareth Mullins, Danielle Faber, Arthur Beil, Lisa von Drehle, Renee Graxirena, Ernesto Cruz, George Zerante, Jacob Payne, Samuel Hansen, Cameron Mastoras, Pat Whalen

Want to join the Community Ownership Group and be a part of our next chapter? Click Here.