Terms & Conditions
I, the undersigned, in consideration for my voluntary participation in organized soccer, or that of a minor in my care, do hereby willfully acknowledge that my signature below attests to my understanding and agreement that:
Should a player participate in ECFC programming, player status must be kept in good standing and players or guardians must agree to the following: I will not compromise myself in such a way as to do harm to the league or tournament, knowing that players may be dismissed from participation for violent conduct or unsporting behavior on or off the field of play. I agree to pay for any and all damages to any property or indemnities caused by me willfully, negligently, or otherwise.
The league, Club, or tournament does not have personal injury insurance that covers my participation. Therefore, I should have a current, active, personal injury insurance policy in force, which covers my participation. Under any condition, I am responsible for any and all medical expenses arising from my participation, both in practices and games and while traveling to and from these events. I have the right and responsibility to inspect the equipment and facilities prior to events and, if I believe that anything may be unsafe, I will advise the coach or supervisor of the condition and may refuse to participate. Participation assumes consent.
I authorize my photograph, picture or likeness, and voice to appear in any documentary, promotion (including advertising), television, video, or radio coverage of the league or tournament, without compensation.
I authorize that an unaltered copy of this form may be generated and given to the officers or directors of other leagues or tournaments in order to allow my participation in their soccer programs, if the form is required and I have requested to participate.
I hereby release, waive liability, discharge, hold harmless, indemnify, and covenant not to sue, the United States Soccer Federation, the State Association, the Club, the league and tournament, their associated directors, administrators, officers, managers, employees, coaches, referees, trainers, volunteers, sponsors and advertisers, and other agents, estates or executors, including family members, from any and all liability incurred in the conduct of, and my participation in, their soccer programs. This includes owners, lessors, and lessees of premises, municipalities, government agencies, successors, heirs, and assigns.
I have completely read this document and fully understand its contents. I acknowledge that I have given up substantial rights by accepting this document and that I do so voluntarily. My signature attests to this on behalf of myself and my executors, personal representatives, administrators, heirs, next-of-kin, successors, and assigns.
This form is required for participation.